Toronto’s #1 Termite
Services Company
Termite infestations in the Greater Toronto Area cause an estimated $120,000,000 worth of property damage annually. This makes termites the most destructive insect in Southern Ontario; even more destructive than carpenter bees and carpenter ants!

Termites Toronto
Termites were first discovered in Toronto in 1938
Termites were first discovered in Toronto in 1938. The original site of infestation was a dock on the east side of the harbour near Cherry Street. The fact that termites were first discovered on the harbour docks indicates that the infestation most likely arrived in shipping cargo, possibly wooden crates or pallets off-loaded from the United States.
Within the first fifteen years, termites had spread and established six separate pockets of infestation. By 1953 this invasion extended from Jarvis Street on the west, across the Don River to Broadview. The Gerrard and Woodbine area was the eastern-most infestation. At that time, all of the six infestations were south of Bloor-Danforth Ave.
About Us
Bringing you peace of mind in all our services
Environmental Services Group is a Toronto-based, cutting edge professional Environmental Consulting Firm that provides professional environmental assessments and inspection services on all property types including residential, commercial and industrial.
Environmental Services Group works with clients to remediate environmental hazards that may include but are not limited to mold, lead and asbestos and indoor air quality contaminants.
Inspection services include?
- Termite Inspections
- Thermal Inspections for Heat Loss
- Thermal Inspections for Mold
- Thermal Inspections for Moisture
Your health and safety is our primary concern.
Termite Zones
GTA Termite Hot Zones
Termites have infiltrated the Toronto area through the ports affecting most of the lakeshore areas from the Mississauga border to the far edges of Scarborough and Ajax. Termites have also been confirmed as far east as Oshawa.
Most recently, termites have been reported near Victoria Park and Shephard, an area North of the 401. Termites are on the move and the Termite Zones are increasing in size.

What Are Termites?
Termites are Wood Destroying Insects (WDI). They feed on cellulose, the basic building block of wood, including lumber used in home construction. Thousands of homes in Toronto are built of wood and if left unprotected or monitored, can fall prey to termite infestation and attack. Extreme cases of termite infestation can lead to homes being condemned. Less extreme cases can result in thousands of dollars of home renovations and property devaluation. If you think you have a termite problem, consider hiring a reputable termite inspection company.
Termites in Toronto
Termites – Toronto’s $120,000,000 problem
It is believed that Termites first arrived in Southern Ontario via Toronto’s harbor in 1938, most likely in shipping cargo. By 1953, they made their way as far north as the Bloor-Danforth Avenue area. Today, instances of termite infestations can be found in a number of well known Toronto neighborhoods.
Collection of termite infestation data in Toronto ended in 1992 when the Provincial Ministry of Environment’s Termite Control Program ceased to provide funds to assist homeowners with the cost of chemical treatments. At last count (1993), a total of 543 blocks were known to be infested within the boundaries of the City of Toronto. As of 2001, it was estimated that approximately 650 to 700 blocks in the Greater Toronto Area were infested with termites, and growing.
As a result of the Ministry of Environment’s decision to end funding to its Termite Control Program, the onus is now on homeowners to detect, control and manage any instances of residential termite infestation.
Of course, the best method of termite control is to prevent infestations from occurring in the first place.
Contact for a free initial consultation or for more information about termite inspection services in Toronto.
Termite Facts
- Termites’ closest insect relatives are cockroaches.
- Termites cause more damage than tornadoes, hail storms, wind storms, and hurricanes combined.
- Termites cost North Americans more than $1 billion in property damage each year.
- You can buy insurance for many sources of home damage, but not for termites.
- Termites have been around for more than 240 million years and like their cockroach cousins, can adapt to ever changing environments.
- Termites can not determine the difference between the wood found in forests and the wood in your home.
- Termites can infest almost every part of your home.
- Termites can enter your home through a crack or opening as thin as a piece of paper.
- Termites never stop working and eating. They work 24 hours a day.
- Termite colonies can average more than a million termites.
Termite Inspection Services in Toronto
Termite inspections take place during the months of May through November and should always start in the yard. Any moveable wood in soil contact, such as firewood, lumber, cardboard boxes, barrels, planting boxes, etc., should be examined. Any stumps in the yard should be examined using a pocket-knife to separate the bark from the wood. Also, all of the following areas should be carefully checked for the presence of termites:
- Crevices in the bark of large trees
- Compost Bins
- Garages including cardboard or wood boxes used for storage
- Crawl spaces under porches and decks
- Exposed foundation walls
If you think you may have a termite infestation, Contact for a free initial consultation or for more information about termite inspection services in Toronto.
Termite Detection & Prevention Tips
- A termite home inspection is recommended annually and before buying or selling a home; especially if you reside in a neighborhood known for having termite problems.
- Reducing wood to ground contact (i.e. wood siding, fencing, porches and decks). It is recommended that there be a minimum of 6 inches clearance between wood siding and the soil.
- Wood decking and porches built on the soil surface or in contact with the soil should be treated.
- Avoid excessive moisture under or adjacent to wood structures. For instance, AC condensate drain lines draining next to wood foundations, or poor surface drainage. Use the advice of a professional in this area due to the possibility of causing foundation and or drainage problems.
- Foliage growing next to and/or near termites should be trimmed back and away from the structure.
- Wood piles adjacent to or near termites should be removed and inspected.
- Wood fence in contact with termite structures should have at least 6 inches of clearance or be treated.
- Wood used in and over foundation expansion joints should be removed and the joints treated.
- Tree branches, stumps, roots and dead trees in contact with termite structures should be cut back and/or removed from the structure.
- Wood form boards left in place around your homes foundation should be removed or treated
Contact Us
Contact for a free initial consultation or for more information about termite inspection services in Toronto.
3219 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario M4N 3S1
Phone Numbers:
Tel: 416-575-6111
Toll Free: 1-866-310-4219
Termite Inspections in Ajax, Barrie, Beaverton, Bowmanville, Bracebridge, Brantford, Burlington, Caledon, Cambridge, Cobourg, Collingwood, Georgetown Guelph, Hamilton, Keswick, Kitchener, Lindsay, London , Markham, Milton, Mississauga, Muskoka, Newmarket, Niagara Falls, Oakville, Orangeville, Oshawa, Owen Sound, Peterborough, Pickering, Port Carling, Port Hope, Richmond Hill, Severn Bridge, Sarnia , Simcoe, Southwest Ontario , St Catharines, Thornhill, Toronto, Waterdown, Waterloo, Whitby, Windsor Ontario.